19 glories of Cuban sport receive cars «thanks to Fidel»

With drums and dishes, the authorities of the Cuban regime announced the delivery of cars to 19 figures that filled sport on the island with glory.

Some, the vehicles come to the wrong, as the sprinter Enrique Figuerola, Olympic runner -up in the Tokyo´64 Games, already with 86 years, as well as the retired boxing coach Sarbelio Fuentes (85), ages in which it is very difficult to learn to handle.

According to him Article 286 of Road Safety Law, “The conduction license holders, when they are 65 and 70 years old, are obliged to appear at the public health health center that corresponds to it, to undergo medical examination and present the results in the office of the driving license body of its territory. As of 70 years of age, this obligation is established every two years, ”according to the official site of the Ministry of Justice.

So dangerous consider the regime authorities that it is to manage with such advanced ages, that the company Transurtwhich rents cars to tourists, does not provide services to over 80 years.

Among the beneficiaries are Omara Durand, who suffers from partial blindness and has won 11 gold medals as a runner in Paralympic Games.

Boxer Erislandy Álvarez, fighters Luis Alberto Orta, Yusneylis Guzmán and Milaimy of Caridad Marín, and their trainers Raúl de Jesús Trujillo and Filiberto Delgado, also appear on the list.

In addition to Durand, other Paralympic athletes awarded with cars are Robiel Yankiel Sol, Yunier Fernández, Guillermo Varona, Yamel Luis Vives, Pablo Ramírez, Sheyla Hernández and Ulicer Aguilera, along with coach Miriam Ferrer.

The relationship withdrawn Luis Miguel Rodríguez, the booting coach Nelson Perales and Briandy Molina, from Baseball5, sport that is nothing other than the popular four corners that is played with a rubber ball and beats with his hand is completed.

They are glorious athletes that in a normal world would have sufficient resources to make vehicles for themselves, without depending on the benefactor state, which uses them and discarded at will and convenience, said sports commentator Rubén Fernández to Martí News.

The ceremony for the delivery of the cars, presented as news in several sport sessions of the official press, became a propaganda show, where the beneficiaries thanked “Fidel and the revolution, without which we would not enjoy the sport of values ​​that distinguishes Cuba”, as Molina, the four -corner player, said.

«We receive it with joy, convinced that it deserves to become reason to strengthen the commitment to the homeland and redouble efforts in our respective combat trenches, faithful to the work that we are fruits,» he added.

Likewise, Molina returned to the deceased dictator, by ensuring that «we will continue to defend the legacy of those who proclaimed the purpose of promoting the sport and carrying it as far as possible,» according to the official sports publication HIT.

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