In December 1994, one of the most tragic and media crimes in the history of Venezuela occurred: the double murder that Cibell Naime committed, at 18 years of age, against two young people for the sale of an Angora cat. 30 years later, this woman, of Lebanese origin, reappeared in social networks to apologize to the relatives of the victims.
For the National
«I ask you thousand apologies. Simply forgive … If time could go back, I would do it »said Cibell Naime Yordi in a live broadcast by Tiktok. With a broken voice and deeply moved, he said that he faces the consequences of his actions daily.
«As you say, what one does pay it and I am paying it every day. I am not here to play the victim role. I come to tell my life story so that people learn, know me and know the reality that a person lives after making all the mistakes he made in life. Everything has its consequences, ”he said.
He pointed out that he did not have the opportunity to apologize in the past for fear of rejection. «In sight it will never forgive something like that. I wouldn’t forgive him if they did that to a relative. It is something unforgivable, but I can’t return time, ma’am, and I am living it day by day. Sorry, sorry, I tell him again that I hope it was me who was not in this world.
Cibell Naime: a cat, a check, two dead
Cibell Naime was born on January 24, 1976. His father, Shauki Naime, was a famous gynecologist who lived comfortably with his family in a high -class urbanization in Caracas. Because of its Lebanese roots and its Drusa religion, it formed a very conservative and rigid family, which did not hesitate to punish their children if they did not follow their guidelines.
But Cibell Naime’s rebellion led her to earn more than one punishment or beating of her father. In 1994, Cibell was 18 and had postponed the third year of secondary education, so her parents enrolled her in an Adult Education Institute so she could finish her studies without more delays.
At that time, he asked his father to buy a cat to be company him, but he refused, Without imagining that decision would change their lives forever.

In November of that same year, Cibell read an advertisement in the newspaper of a pet sale, which included an Angora cat. Calling the number published, he attended it Miguel Tauil, a 30 -year -old lawyer dedicated to his business to sell animals, along with his partner Juan Carlos González, 19.
Miguel informed Cibell that the cat’s price was of 20,000 bolivars or $ 118 for the timea fairly high amount, so the young student thought about the checkbooks that her father kept in an office of her home. After practicing for a few days the falsification of the firm, proceeded to steal three checks in case it ruined any.
On December 4, Cibell called Miguel Tauil to specify the purchase of the cat. Upon getting home with the animal she He said a friend of the institute had given it to him. Despite the doubts, his father allowed him to stay.
Days later, Shauki Naime realized that he lacked three checks from his carrier and that one of them had been charged for the amount of 20,000 bolivars. He chose to summon the family, and after asking them, they all denied knowledge of the check, including Cibell. The man warned with punishing the head of theft.
Amid the nerves and great panic because Cibell knew that his father would discover what he had done, tried to recover the check. He called Miguel and Juan Carlos on several occasions to ask him to return it to him, But they replied that it had already been charged.
Then Cibell began to ask the money back, which Miguel refused.
A few days later, In the midst of despair, the young woman contacted Miguel and appeared as another person interested in acquiring some puppies of sausage dog. He quoted her at home to see the dogs for sale and choose the one she liked best.
On December 13, 1994, Cibell took the firearm that his father kept in the office and arrived in a taxi to the Urbanization Los Naranjos, in Caracas, where he was received by Miguel Tauil’s mother, who offered him coffee.
«The boys invented that the client was an aunt of mine who waited in the surveillance garrita, so we went out to look for it in the Toyota Samurai truck of Miguel. I sat in the back seat and before arriving at the entrance of the urbanization I requested to return the check. As Miguel refused, I took the gun that I took from my house to scare him and force him to give me the money. Then there was a struggle in the truck and that was when I shot him in the head. When I saw what I had done I turned to Juan Carlos who looked at me terrified and said: «Forgive me, disculp me, I’m not bad but I can’t leave you alive because you saw everything,» then I killed him, «Cibell said in an interview in an interview later.
Scared, she got out of the truck and walked towards the exit, took a taxi that passed through the place and left the area. However, the vigilantes of the urbanization had seen her, like a neighbor and Miguel’s mother.
The investigation
While the Naime family went on vacation to the United States, investigations of the double homicide began by Commissioner Leonardo Díaz Paruta, who was the head of the Homicide Division of the Judicial Police (PTJ). Two caps recovered in the place.
Miguel had a gunshot wound in the right temporal region and came out on the left, while Juan Carlos an injury in the occipital region and the projectile was lodged there. It was determined that the weapon that was used was not high caliber, but the shots were almost at close range, so they were mortal.

Little by little, the PTJ officials ruled out the hypotheses of the robbery, passionate drama and others.
In January 1995, the Naime family returned to Venezuela and Dr. Shauki, Cibell’s father, continued with the investigation on the whereabouts of his checks. It was then that he discovered that the paper money was charged by Miguel Tauil.
The man found the Tauil family phone number and called asking for Miguel, to which he was informed that he had died, but they rushed to ask if he called regarding the purchase of an animal. At that time Shauki reminded Cibell’s cat and asked if they sold cats. Upon hearing the statement he deduced that Cibell had stolen the check to buy that cat.
In parallel, in the offices of the PTJ, Commissioner Díaz Paruta was already close to discovering who was the woman who murdered the two men inside a truck in the Los Naranjos urbanization.
The arrest
On January 19, 1995, the police appeared at the Naime house and arrested the whole family. Cibell was beaten, with a swollen face and left eye with a bruise that prevented ocular opening.
Shauki informed the police that the operation or investigation was not necessary because he had already «resolved» the checks, but his surprise was when he was clarified that what was investigated was a double homicide and that his daughter Cibell was The main suspect.
In the interrogation, Cibell said that her father had hit her a few days before, when she discovered the theft of checks. When asked about the homicide, she confessed: «I had to kill them because my dad fuck me.»

The young woman fulfilled part of her sentence at the National Institute of Women’s Orientation (INOF), located in Los Teques, and in the Women’s Prison of the Guárico state.
After 11 years in prison, Judge Maikel Moreno, who was later president of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), gave him probation in 2006. Subsequently, on March 6, 2022, he fulfilled his grief, obtained absolute freedom and exiled in Lebanon.
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