Cuban authorities ask the religious leader Donaida Pérez Paseiro, released last January

The Placet Execution Judge cited on Wednesday the activist and practitioner Yoruba Donaida Pérez Pasiro with the aim of coercing her to comply with the labor link, a mandatory that entails the probation that was granted last January.

“I had a citation for the work problem, which I have to work, they threatened me. Instead of worrying about other things, other issues that are of much more interest here in the country right now, ”the political dam told Martí News.

“The citation said, that I had to appear, urgently, before the execution judge. As an release with probation I have to introduce myself once a month, ”he said.

Pérez Pasiro, sentenced to eight years of deprivation of liberty for his participation in the protests of July 11 in his town, was one of the first released after the ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel promised Pope Francis that he would release more than 500 people sentenced “for various crimes”, without recognizing political prisoners.

Probation implies that the sanctioned is subject to surveillance by the police and social organizations and is supervised by the execution judge. It also forces the sanctioned to maintain a labor or student bond.

“I do not plan to let them look for work, I’m going to work on whatever I want and when I want. When I determine that I am going to work. It is not that I do not want to work, but that they will not be imposing a job, nor will they be forcing me to work with the State. I know it is a requirement, but I will have to look for something out of the state, ”said Pérez Pasiro.

The magistrate reiterated to the activist her warnings about her opinions on social networks, as well as the statements to the independent press.

The penitentiary authorities recommended to the 11J protesters benefited by early freedom, not to leave their municipality, not be in agglomerations of people, not to comment on social networks, or comment against the Cuban government.

#Cuban #authorities #religious #leader #Donaida #Pérez #Paseiro #released #January

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