Maduro 12 years after the death of Hugo Chávez: «They have underestimated us, they have underestimated me, today they underestimate us»

During an «Assembly of Communities and Communities of Popular Power,» Nicolás Maduro recalled the death of former president Hugo Chávez, and said «we have underestimated us, they have underestimated me, today they underestimate us.»

He also commented, “12 years ago, at this time more or less, I had to fulfill the most painful mission that I remember, or that I have fulfilled in my life. The way looked full of pain and uncertainty, but Commander Chávez always told me: before any circumstance, he trusts the people, let’s trust the people.

By Albertonews

«And if 12 years ago, at this time, I had to say the most heartbreaking news that our town has met in 200 years, after the death of the Liberator Simón Bolívar, today I have to tell him, 12 years later, at the same time: Chavez is alive, the revolution is alive. Chávez became immortal and indestructible people. Chávez did not die, Chávez multiplied in millions of men and women, boys, girls! ”Maduro said.

Therefore, he said «I can tell you that the greatest lesson learned, and the greatest teacher who got up in these years of struggle, is the lesson to hear the people, of always being hand in hand with the people, of always marching next to the people, of authenticly receiving the creative capacity of resistance and creation forward that our people have.»

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