Detained Doctor in La Guaira who sent the morgue to a baby who was born alive

Through the Instagram account of the Public Ministry (MP), the Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab indicated that a gynecobstetra doctor of the José María Vargas hospital was arrested, from the La Guaira state, who falsely certified the death of a newborn baby on March 4 and ordered his entry to the morgue when he was actually alive.

«Detenndina Deyanita Villegas, who is a gynec-obstetrics of the José María Vargas hospital in relation to the events that occurred on March 4, where the citizen Sinai Tovar Marcano, entered the José María Vargas hospital with 24 weeks of pregnancy and complications, after that income, the aforementioned doctor informed the mother already her relatives who had given birth to a neonate without vital signs.»

It was also indicated that I know «proceeding to take her to the morgue, and at that precise family moment, that they said goodbye to the baby they noticed that she cried, being admitted to an incubator where she is in critical condition.»

#Detained #Doctor #Guaira #morgue #baby #born #alive

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