The best images left by the lunar eclipse at dawn on Friday in Venezuela and other parts of America

During the early hours of this Friday, several countries in America enjoyed one of the most impressive shows of nature: a total lunar eclipse.

The event began at 11:57 pm and extended throughout the morning until 6:00 am with shocking images of a full moon that gradually darkened until it reached a reddish tone and becoming a blood moon.

A total eclipse such as this «cannot be seen again until 2048,» said Yasmina Martos, a scientist at the US Space Agency (NASA), in an interview with EFE.

Martos explained that this phenomenon occurs because the sun, the earth and the moon are aligned so that the satellite passes through the complete shadow of our planet.

«As the eclipse begins and the moon begins to go through the shadow of the earth, it will begin to become orange until it becomes reddish. That is because the light that comes from the sun passes through the atmosphere of the earth as if it were a halo and the length of the light that passes is the red one and it is the one that reaches the moon, ”Martos said.

Next, the images:

Caracas (Venezuela), 03/2025.- View of the Full Moon next to one of the Central Park Towers this Friday, after the total lunar eclipse known as «Red Moon», in Caracas (Venezuela). EFE/ Miguel Gutiérrez
Havana (Cuba) 03/14/2025. – View of the Moon before the eclipse began during the early hours of this Friday in Havana (Cuba). Ernesto Mastrascusa
Havana (Cuba) 03/14/2025. – View of the moon during the total lunar eclipse at dawn on Friday in Havana (Cuba). Ernesto Mastrascusa
Havana (Cuba) 03/14/2025. – Combo with images of the moon during a total lunar eclipse seen during the early hours of this Friday in Havana (Cuba). Ernesto Mastrascusa

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