At least 305 traffic accidents were recorded during February in Venezuela

A total of 108 people died in February in traffic accidents in Venezuela, of which 48 % were motorized. This according to a Bulletin of the Road Safety Observatory (OSV) of the NGO Paz Affected released on Wednesday, March 19.

For the newspaper

Through a press release, the organization indicated that last month registered at least 305 road accidents, in which 108 people died, of which 85 were men and 23 women, while another 442 citizens suffered «some injury.»

«As in previous balances, the motorized occupied the first position in the death category: 52 victims,» ​​the organization said.

The OSV coordinator, Rosibel González, explained that the death of Motoristas represented 48 % of the cases registered and added that although there is a effort by the State to make them comply with the traffic regulations, «the motorized will continue to be a vulnerable victim, and this lies in inexperience when taking a two -wheeled vehicle.»

Also, he pointed out the «impericia accompanied by speeding, which also does not allow them to react against collisions or skids and not carrying an adequate helmet or that simply (the motorist) does not use it, which aggravates the consequences of road accidents.»

«During February monitoring we find victims from 14 to 19 years of age, it means that adolescents are joining motorcycle management without supervision,» he added.

He indicated that the second place of deceased by traffic accidents was represented by vehicle drivers (16 %), followed by pedestrians (13 %) -victims of abuses or winding -, vehicle occupants (11 %), motorcycle passengers (10 %), cyclists (1 %) and bus passengers (1 %).

At least 305 traffic accidents were recorded during February in Venezuela
Photo: Pixabay

The OSV, continued, documented 111 traffic accidents in the category of simple shocks (36.3 %), 70 skids (22.9 %), 52 abuses or winding (1.6 %).

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The figure of traffic accidents registered a small decrease compared to the 332 cases that the Road Safety Observatory (OSV) accounted for during the month of January 2025. In total, 639 people were affected by a road sinister during that period.

The non -governmental organization (NGO) also reported 127 dead: 104 men and 23 women. In addition, at least 63 of the deceased were motorized, which represented 50 % of the cases collected by the OSV.

«The above shows that the motorized, as a road actor, heads the first place in the death category,» said the NGO in his report.

Secondly, the barbecues that represented 13 % of the deaths in traffic accidents appear. The third place corresponds to the pedestrians, with 12 % and finally, the drivers of vehicles and their occupants would be with 11 %.

According to the OSV, the rate of people who died was 38.25 % per 100 traffic accidents.

The head of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP, Tarek William Saab, announced on Monday, February 3, a plan to reduce the mortality associated with traffic accidents, which, according to the official – is the “index of the highest number of deaths” in the country.

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Tarek William Saab | Photo: EFE

Saab explained that the plan, called the life and that it enters into force since that Monday, consists of the deployment of police, transit officials, of the Ministry of Health, in addition to MP prosecutors, among others, in 40 points of the country.

In that sense, he indicated that police officers will be responsible for making “road stops” to verify compliance with traffic standards, including the correct use of the safety belt, that minors are in the back of the vehicle and the use of the seat chair.

According to the official, the “index of greater number of deaths in the country are caused by traffic accidents”, a fact that attributed to “the imprudence of drivers, the breach of traffic regulations and the evasion of administrative responsibilities”.

#traffic #accidents #recorded #February #Venezuela

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