With each season change, the Malba Literature Department organizes a Meeting of collective and simultaneous reading with activities for children and adults. On Tuesday 18, three days after the start of autumn, the first arrives 2025 reading party. With free admission, between 16 and 20, in different rooms of the Museum of Av. Figueroa Alcorta 3415, there will be workshops, talks, recreational tours, performances and live music. And, also, of course, a lot of place available for readers of all ages to be comfortable to enjoy the books.
In the library, between 16 and 18, small and medium readers can join the Naipe and Stories Reading Workshop Game, then I count, Organized together with Editorial Tinkuy. This independent seal is creator of a series of literary mallets that propose several options of creative games linked to fictions and poetry. In the workshop of the Reading Partyparticipants are going to play with the decks Tell me and Tell me terror, Halleli passage, VOCABOS CHALLENGE, I like playing (from Anthony Browne) and Myriordamawhich is my favorite.
“We are going to assemble Six playful islands or stationswhere boys and adults can play to read and write with different creative proposals from the slogans of the cards: invent stories, play with poetry, senses and words. It will be a very dynamic room and there will be no fixed tours but each one can choose where to circulate. There will also be books related to the games, ”Ariel Marcel, one of the founders of Tinkuy, told this section.
The deck of Myriordama, the Infinite Libraryoffers creative slogans from the illustrations of Mariana Ruiz Johnson. In the «instruction manual» that comes inside the box (attention: there are two «models» of different containers), the creators (Claro and Ariel Marcel) explain what is a «Myriordama»: «It is a popular game that arises at the beginning of the 19th century. His name derives from the Greek. Myrias means crowd. Orama refers to a scene. That is why it was used to represent ‘myriad or multitude of scenes’. » And that is just what «the infinite library» proposes: create infinite stories from the 50 illustrated cards with different situations that connect to each other to shoot the imagination and invent everything that can happen inside a library. According to Tinkuy, there are «more than 5 trillions of possibilities.»
Among the game suggestions come, for example, to create a story from seven scenes; Invent micro -stories; Imagine a collaborative plot among all participants. Without fixed rules, you can play individually or in a group and the stories can be narrated orally or written. Original, ingenious and entertaining.
Tinkuy also edited the series Poetry to the letter And the fourth title of that collection of literary games is inspired by lyrics of León Gieco. It is Tinkuy’s first book-game composed entirely of songs by the famous Argentine author and composer. The deck brings 40 poems, between verses and stanzas, in addition to ten quotes of musicians and referents that left their mark on their artistic and musical tour: Mercedes Sosa, Charly GarciaLito Vitale and Atahualpa Yupanqui, among others. In it Tinkuy website Libraries, toys and online stores appear where all the decks are achieved.
Also at 16, on the first level of the Malba, there will be a recreational and participatory workshop for girls and boys from 7 to 11 years. From the sample Photonovelawhich exhibits photographs of George Friedman, «Tell everything» invites you to invent dialogues and situations for the scenes that are portrayed.
As part of the Reading Partyat 17, in the Auditorium, María Emilia López, specialist in early childhood, will give a conference on the construction of the reading road. Free activity. It does not require prior registration.
In This link The full programming of the day is available.
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