Independent trade unionists lament another worker in Cuba

The Independent Trade Union Association (ASIC) lamented the death of a Transcupet company worker, in Matanzas, as a consequence of a tragic traffic accident on Monday.

«Labor accidents on the roads have involved a high risk, some worse than others, but all very worrying,» news told the general secretary of the ASIC, Iván Hernández Carrillo.

«Since the beginning of this year, labor accidents on the roads have been the most significant, according to the reports we have been able to collect and, fundamentally, as a consequence of the remarkable deterioration of the roads, the lack of signage, the tiredness of the drivers forced to work long days, the recklessness, among other causes,» added the manager.

The tank truck loaded with alcohol left the road when it moved between the municipalities Columbus and Calimete and caused the accident that left the balance of a wounded and a deceased.

The event occurred when Cotera García entered a section of the road with little visibility due to the accumulation of smoke derived from a fire in the road gutter.

Amid the density of the smoke, it was crossing another vehicle and in the maneuver to dodge it collided with a post and came into contact with the Fire Area, which led to that immediately exploded in flames.

«So far this year, labor accidents on roads have considerably increased, hence our call to the authorities to take measures to prevent labor mortality from continuing to rise,» said Hernández Carrillo.

«There are international agreements, provisions and labor regulations that protect workers in that regard, but are not fulfilled, they are violated,» said the trade unionist.

The organization has repeatedly warned that Cuban workers are unprotected before events such as this and that the conditions of the country predispose to the increase in labor tragedies due to the lack of political will to address them, the aging of industrial infrastructures that require urgent investments, the lack of official statistics and the tendency to blame the victims themselves.

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