It is paid for entering the store and the AI ​​tracks your purchase without going through the box

The Supermarkets They try to adapt to the needs of users while trying to evolve: many continue to use Traditional collection boxesothers have chosen to implement Automatic boxesin many stores they already give paper bags and not plastic …

One of the most striking changes of recent times has adopted it ALDIthat has begun to try a very particular method in one of its stores: charge your customers before buying.

The system is being tested in a United Kingdom store

And it is that the German supermarket chain has implemented in one of its stores in England, in the town of Greenwich -east of London – A payment access system: when entering, customers pay a 10 pound deposit (about 12 euros).

Then, when they are going to pay their purchase, They are discounted that amount of the final amount. If things are bought for a lower amount, the difference is returnedand if nothing is bought, the amount is reimbursed.

It should be clarified that this measure, according to the British media, is a test in a single establishment, and It is not planned to be extended to other areas or implemented in Spain.

The store in which it is being tested is a Aldi Shop & Gothat through AI allows to trace the items that the customer introduces in his basket and pay at the end of his purchase without passing the items through the cash register, according to the portal GB News.

#paid #entering #store #tracks #purchase #box

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