Look how much this Cuban spent on products to send to Cuba

A Cuban shows the products to send to Cuba in a video that has gone viral on social networks. The woman, resident in the United States, taught her purchase in Family Dollar and other establishments, spending almost 100 dollars on hygiene, cleaning and food items.

«I bought some little things for Cuba, so we see. I know you love these videos. «

Its purchase has generated a lot of comments, with users who support it and others who discuss whether it is better to send money or products.

@thalia_hr Purchases for my family in Cuba #Cuba #Cubanos #Dolleree #shopping ♬ Original sound – Thaliahr

What products did you buy to send to Cuba?

In her video, the Cuban shows the products to send to Cuba and explain which articles chose and why:

«I bought hygiene products such as intimate towels, corn palomites, toothpaste, soaps, scriptwrites, detergent and a skin cream that I love. It smells delicious, it’s vanilla. «

«I bought a fabulous crystal cleaner that my mother loves, in addition to a box with aromatic balls to wash, smell delicious and weigh nothing.»

«I also bought these small containers to leave salt and sugar, since I can’t take them directly.»

«I bought some patches for pain. I don’t know if they really relieve pain completely, but I have used them and they seem quite good. I also bought this other product for when they have cough, flu or something similar, because that can never be missing in the suitcase of a Cuban. »

«I bought spare parts for atmosphere, because my mother already has the device, but the fragrances were over.»

«I bought a spray cleaner that also smells delicious. In addition, the container is small and does not weigh much. «

«Nor can these Goya and Cinnamon Powder pass. This dust is very good to clean the bathrooms. «

Video reactions

The video has generated hundreds of reactions in social networks. Many Cubans abroad have identified with the emotion of sending products to their families on the island.

María Silvera: «Buy everything you want and you can, in short, it is for your family. Only who lives precariously knows how to appreciate those things. «

Lia: «My mother took all that, on each trip I added something different. At least I gave everything that was within my reach, even if I would have liked to give him more. «

Elena_G: «Very true. That they try things there is no. «

However, the Cuban also made her position clear about possible criticisms:

«Before they begin to criticize – because I know how they are – I know that many of the things I bought may not be necessary, but as I have told you in other videos, I want you to enjoy, even for a moment, what it is to clean with these products, what it is to wash with this.»

Some users took the opportunity to ask questions about shipments to Cuba:

«What are you carrying all that? How many suitcases are allowed and the kilos? «

«I didn’t know that spray things could be sent. Can?»

«I have taken them and I have never had problems.»

Is it worth sending products to Cuba instead of money?

For many Cubans abroad, sending products instead of remittances is a better option. Inflation and shortage on the island make money lose value quickly, while products guarantee that their relatives receive what they really need.

Others recommend looking for cheaper stores to maximize the budget. «I can’t tell you exactly how much I spent in total. In Family Dollar, in what is not food, I spent about 90 and somewhat dollars. And in food, I don’t know with certainty, because I also bought some things for the house, ”explains the Cuban.

Dimecuba It is a multiservicious company focused on Cuban public. With us you can do:

Address: 3750 W 16th AVE Ste 100, Miami, FL 33012, United States. Hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Telephone: +1 786-408-2088.


#Cuban #spent #products #send #Cuba

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