Opponents call to promote «urgent changes» towards democratization in Cuba

The Democratic Transition Council in Cuba (CTDC) has launched a new organization strategy based on the creation of work groups with the objective of articulating internal opposition and laying the foundations for the democratization of the island.

Manuel Cuesta Morúa, vice president of the Council, explained from Havana to Martí News what are the five priorities within this proposal.

“Definitely, a government that does not have legitimacy insists on continuing to speak in our name. We have presented these five priorities that have to do with the liberation of political prisoners through an amnesty, because they have not committed a crime; a law that returns to Cubans the power over their lives, their economy and their capacities in a very difficult context for the Cuban family; An essential and deep work to combat violence in the country, which is deeply damaging the relationship between Cubans; a proposal to recognize the plurality of Cuban society in political terms; And, finally, an initiative aimed at the alternatives that we have different groups and political concentrations are in front of the citizens, so that it is the people who decide which path we should take for the transition in Cuba, ”said Morúa Cuesta.

The CTDC has denounced that the main problem of Cuba is not the economic and social crisis, but the lack of self -awareness of a government that ignores the consequences of its decisions, represses any dissent and clings to power under the argument that there are no alternatives .

As part of its work strategy, the organization has opened the list of the Council, a record of citizens, activists and leaders committed to the cause of a democratic and free tub. Among the participants of this initiative are recognized figures of Cuban civil society.

Independent trade unionist María Elena Mirro Marrero, one of the signatories on the Council list, from Guanabo, Havana, highlighted the importance of the proposal and described it as a road map for the country.

“This is like a road map for a country project, which starts from the Council for the Democratic Transition in Cuba with very clear objectives and seeks to promote citizen participation in different spheres. Another objective is to get a single group of people who have the option of thinking about how to live better, but that it is the popular mass that gives the advice its options, criteria and what they really need to live. It is not formed only by independent organizations, but by people of the town, ”said Mir Marrero.

The Council for the Democratic Transition in Cuba was founded in June 2021 and has nine vice presidents, including: Manuel Cuest Cuban), Iván Hernández Carrillo (Independent Trade Union Association), José Díaz Silva (Opponent Movement for a New Republic), Sara Cuba (Cuban Alliance for Inclusion), Iris Ruiz (San Isidro Movement), Félix Navarro (Party for Democracy Pedro Luis Boitel) and Enix Berrio (Christian Democratic Party of Cuba).

The platform includes voices that demand from the Cuban regime respect for the rights of different sectors of the population, such as Afro -descendants, women and the LGBTI community

The CTDC has published on social networks that maintains its commitment to the constitutional route, a peaceful route that seeks the transition to a rule of law within the current legal framework. As a first step, the Council proposes to obtain the civic identity card, a certification that legally supports any constitutional reform initiative or legislative change promoted by citizens.

To strengthen its impact, the Council has formed work teams in key areas such as politics, human rights, economics, women’s rights, culture and international relations. These groups seek to connect with the needs and sensibilities of Cubans and promote initiatives that facilitate the reconstruction of the country.

From Santiago de Cuba, the opposition leader José Daniel Ferrer, president of the Council, explained the importance of these teams to achieve real changes on the island.

“The Council for the Transition is inviting the vast majority of the Cuban people to join our non -violent struggle to make possible the changes that the country needs. Therefore, teams are being created, these teams are being strengthened and the greatest effectiveness in the work we do in favor of our entire people is being sought. It is a matter of urgency: the situation that the nation demands deep changes now, ”said Ferrer.

#Opponents #call #promote #urgent #democratization #Cuba

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