Tiktoker Ashley Ways is released under presentation regime

Ashley Ways, the creator of Tiktok content who generated a wave of controversy after her comments on the death of the mother of a colleague, has been released from her arrest under a presentation regime of every 30 days. The decision was made by the Judicial Circuit of San Felipe after a review of the case.

The teenager was arrested on February 25 by agents of the Bolivarian National Police (PNB) and made available to the prosecution 79 of the Public Ministry, after a video of his went viral on social networks. In the video, Ways made fun of the death of the mother of another Tiktoker, with whom he maintained an apparent rivalry.

In addition to the presentation regime, Ways must comply with a series of additional measures, including assistance to psychological consultations and the prohibition of departure from the country. Likewise, the use of their social networks has been forbidden.

Ways release has generated various reactions in social networks, with some users expressing their support for the young woman and others expressing her discontent with the decision.

Ashley Ways’s father had previously requested an hearing with the attorney general, Tarek William Saab, to address the conditions of detention of her daughter, arguing that the young woman is not a criminal and that the treatment she was receiving was unjustified.

This case has revealed the debate on the responsibility and impact of words on social networks, as well as the limits of freedom of expression.


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