Tragedy in Chile: a Venezuelan family died in a spectacular traffic accident

A family made up of six members of Venezuelan nationality died this Sunday in a tragic traffic accident in Chile.


According to local media reports, the incident was presented on Route 5 South, in Requínoa, commune of the central area of ​​Chile. The car where seven people moved, was at high speed and collided with a post, after the impact the victims were projected.

The authorities investigate the cause of the accident, in which they do not rule out that it has occurred by a fault in a rubber.

«The frenched trace by drag, will indicate that it could have occurred, also the speed and direction it took to later impact the post that supports the locality sign,» said Chronicles of Chile.

Among the fatal victims are two children of at least 7 and 11 years and four adults, while the driver is seriously injured.

It transpired that the Venezuelan family, resident in Rengo, had come to a softball match and returned from the day held at the El Molino playing field, in Santa Julia de Rancagua.

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