The founder of Telegram, under freedom guarded in France, travels to Dubai in a permit

The founder and CEO of Telegram, the Russian Pável Dúrov, traveled to Dubai in a judicial permit granted by France, where he is under the guarded accused of several positions related to the illicit contents that circulate in his social network.

This was indicated to Efe the Prosecutor’s Office of Paris, which said that the judicial control to which it has been subjected since August 15 and April 7.

The 40 -year -old businessman, who also has French nationality and United Arab Emirates (EAU), has the Telegram operating headquarters in the Dubai Emirate, in which he resides since 2017.

Dúrov, who had been arrested last August, during the last six months has had to appear before a French police station twice a week.

He also paid a bond of five million euros and had the prohibition of abandoning the French territory.

The list of crimes attributed to it includes complicity in the administration of an online platform to allow illicit transactions of organized bands, complicity in scams and traffic.

To this is added, among other positions, an alleged responsibility of the billionaire of Russian origin for the diffusion in Telegram of sexual abuse of minors.

He is also accused of not collaborating with justice offering data and information on possible criminal actions and charges related to the operation and encrypted of the messaging platform.

The arrest of Dúrov in August created diplomatic tensions between Paris and Russia and the French president himself, Emmanuel Macron, had to clarify that the detention was not due to «political reasons.» EFE

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