Trans sex worker arrested in the Teques for burn a customer motorcycle

A sex worker who identifies as a trans woman was arrested in the TequesMiranda state, after IStop a customer motorcycle that allegedly refused to pay for a service.

Final version

The incident occurred last Sunday in the BOLÍVAR AVENUE DE LA CAPITAL MIRANDINA And it was registered in the security cameras of the area, according to the police of the Guaicaipuro municipality on their Instagram.

The detainee was identified as Leiker Enmanuel Hernández, 26. In accordance with the director of the Police Corps, an aggregate inspector Carlos Andrade, the officials had knowledge of the case after Check security recordingswhere the vehicle fire was observed.

Upon arriving at the site, The troops were approached by the owner of the Motowho pointed directly to Hernández as the head of the fire.

After a search operation, The suspect was located and arrested in a street in the city centera few meters from the place of the incident.

During the apprehension, Hernández confessed to having caused the fire after the victim refused to pay the service agreed, which unleashed a discussion between them.

In addition, according to police sources, the detainee presented a prior request for crimes against the public thingissued on February 11.

The case was referred to the First Prosecutor’s Office of the Public Ministrywhich will continue with the investigations and determine the legal actions to follow.×400-1.png

#Trans #sex #worker #arrested #Teques #burn #customer #motorcycle

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