Baruta facilitates the payment of vehicle taxes through online platform

In the Baruta municipality, you can pay the quarters of vehicles through the online platform of the Municipal Autonomous Tax Administration (SEMAT), then we will show the general steps that you must follow to cancel the taxes.


It should be taken into account that the procedures may vary depending on the jurisdiction and it is advisable to verify the information about the payments of tax of more up -to -date vehicles on the official website or directly in the office of the Semi.

Steps to pay for vehicle taxes in Baruta

Step 1: Enter the online semat website, place your data and, if you are a new user, you must create your profile with your personal data and identity card.

Step 2: Once the user and password is accessed in the main menu, the vehicle tax payment option is sought.

Step 3: Then, you must click on the forms historical to display the pending payment commitments.

Step 4: Select the tab corresponding to the vehicle tax to verify the amount to be canceled.

Step 5: Banking entities will appear where they can transfer the corresponding payment.

You can also make these tax payments by addressing the semat offices, located in the Business Center, Torre Humboldt.

Tax Ordinances on Baruta

There are several municipal ordinances that regulate the payment of vehicle taxes in Baruta, among them the following stand out:

ARTICLE 32. When two or more tax illegal sanctioned with pecuniary penalties concur, the most serious sanction will be applied, increased with half of the other sanctions. If the sanctions are the same, any of them will be applied with half of the remaining.

Article 33. Who does not register his vehicle in the Municipal Vehicle Registry within the period established in article 20 of this Ordinance will be sanctioned with a fine of thirty (30) times the change rate of the currency of greater value published by the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), which must be paid taking into consideration the value in force at the time of payment.

Article 34. Who does not report the change of data contained in the Municipal Vehicle Registry, within the period established in article 21 of this Ordinance shall be sanctioned with a twenty -five fine (25) times the change rate of the currency of greater value published by the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), which must be paid taking into consideration the value in force at the time of the payment.

Article 35. Who, being resident or domiciled in the Baruta municipality, as the case may be, and registered your vehicle in another jurisdiction, will be sanctioned with a fine of thirty (30) times the exchange rate of the currency of the highest value published by the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), which must be paid taking into consideration the value in force at the time of the payment, without prejudice to being able to demand the payment of the tax caused in this jurisdiction.

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