Migrants are in danger when missing an appointment with ICE

A group of Cubans They were detained After attending one with ICE, which has made the alarms of the Latin community jump.

As it has transcended, at least five Cuban women were arrested after attending a scheduled interview, despite not having a criminal record and having a pending asylum case open.

This situation has caused many Antillians in social networks to recommend not attending appointments with ICE, something that experts in migratory issues do not advise to their clients.

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Why shouldn’t I miss an appointment with ICE?

Attorney Claudia Cañizares said in a recent interview that, although ICE stops a person, her migratory process is still open. However, if the person does not appear before this institution, he is incurring a crime that can have an negative impact on his defense in the court.

What are the consequences of not presenting to an appointment with ICE?

During the interview, Cañizares explained that ICE is in all his right to consider migrant as «Fly Risk.» This is a term used to indicate that the person involved could try to evade the migratory process.

Given this situation, migratory agents can take actions such as presenting themselves at the residence or workplace of the person involved, since it assumes that this may be «fleeing» of their responsibility to regularize their status.

At the same time, of being taken to trial, the Prosecutor’s Office can claim that the migrant did not appear at his appointment, which decreases the possibilities of bailing. In the case of those who do not have a valid excuse to justify their absence, a judge can rule that the one involved can escape and that would further complicate their situation.

Can Ice stop who is presented to an appointment?

The answer is yes. ICE is entitled to retain any migrant who appears before one of its officers. However, these situations are not usually very frequent and the risk of not presenting brings much more dangerous consequences.

In fact, non -presentation to a scheduled appointment can result in a deportation order for the one involved and, unfortunately, the person would lose any opportunity to remain in North American territory.

What to do if ICE retains?

The lawyer Cañizares recommended to those people who have agreed their appointment with ICE and are afraid to go, that they do not stop presenting themselves and that, if they are retained, call a lawyer. Similarly, he assured that there are resources such as paying a bond to continue with the process in freedom.

Recommendations for Cuban migrants

It is essential that people with scheduled appointments seek legal advice before going to them. The lawyer Cañizares underlines the importance of explaining the situation to a lawyer specialized in immigration, who may provide an adequate strategy for each particular case. In addition, if possible, having the support of a private lawyer is highly recommended, since their experience and legal orientation can make a difference in the development of the process.

In conclusion, the recommendation is clear: not missing appointments with ICE. While the fear of detention is understandable, making impulsive decisions can be much more harmful to the future migratory. The Cuban community must be well informed and act with caution, always looking for adequate advice and understanding that compliance with the migratory process is essential to defend their right to remain in the United States.

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