Cuban entrepreneurs join project to facilitate commercial alliances

Cuban entrepreneurs have created a project that combines business women throughout the island, in order to support and make their work more visible.

This is the Cuban Network of Entrepreneurs, which was established in 2018 and, since then, has managed to gather more than 200 Antillanas throughout the country.

This platform, which is non -profit, emerged from the need to create its own space in the business environment in the largest of the Antilles. In a market widely controlled by men, the support of other women who seek to find their space in the business field is important.

According to statements to international media of Katia Pérez, General Coordinator of the Network, the training spaces to which entrepreneurs are not yet enough.

Similarly, he said that there are also no training or promotion spaces, which makes visibility much more complex to small businesses led by many women.

What does the Cuban Network of Entrepreneurs contribute?

Pérez says that it is a tool that seeks to create new spaces where entrepreneurs find alliances between businesses, as well as greater support among women.

In addition, the network not only involves business owners, but also those that lead community projects, processes and areas within private and state companies.

How is this network organized?

As explained by its coordinator, the platform is divided into “clusters”. In this way, those entrepreneurs with similar businesses can share their experiences.

Also, they are grouped by “territories and projects to which the members, collaborators or beneficiaries of the actions are linked,” said the vice president of a MSMEs focused on professional services for business development.

Although the network is a space to benefit and give protection to women, men are also welcome and can participate in the modalities of collaborators and beneficiaries, «Pérez established.

As part of greater growth, the platform is in the process of creating a website, where all companies of the more than 200 members of the project will exhibit.

At the same time, they hope that in the not too distant future strategic alliances can be established with institutions such as the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO), among others.

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