The citizenship and immigration service (USCISfor its acronym in English) indicates that if the original purpose of a tourist To be in the United States changedit can be eligible to receive Another type of visaprovided that it has been legally admitted as non -immigrant.
Generally, a citizen of a foreign country who wants to travel to the United States must first obtain a permit. The visitor visa, known as touristis classified as non -immigrant and is for those who wish to enter the US temporarily.
The categories are:
To a person with a Visitor Visa (B1/B2) You are not allowed to accept employment or work in the United States.
The USCIS points out that if the foreigner wishes change the purpose of your visit While in the United States, must submit a request through the appropriate form before the authorization of the stay.
It can be requested to extend or change status in the United States if:
The person who wishes to extend the authorized period of stay in the United States or change the status of non -immigrant (visa classification), must present the FORM I-539 before the USCIS.
While requests for extension or change towards certain Employment -based classifications They must be presented with form I-129, request for non-immigrant worker.
It is advisable to present the application with a minimum of 45 days before Caduque The stay or as soon as the foreigner determines that he needs to change or extend the status or permission.
The USCIS explains that If the tourist visa (or other non -immigrant) expired before the form was presented or failed to work, such as working without authorization, The foreigner lost his status and staying longer of the granted will affect the ability to obtain other benefits or return to the US.
The date on which it expires are in the lower right of the FORM I-94, Input/output record of non -immigrant.
«If you lose your status, we recommend that Abandon the United States To limit the possible repercussions about its ability to return to the United States in the future, ”says the agency.
It also emphasizes that until the approval is received, The change of status should not be taken for granted And the foreigner should not modify his activity. «For example, if you are currently a non -immigrant touristdo not begin to attend classes as a student until you have received authorization, ”warns the agency.
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