21/4 to 20/4
LOVE: Stormy forecast. Venus will have it bad to bring. If you think it reached a critical point, better speak clearly and establish new guidelines.
MONEY: The demands grow but the result promises to be worth it. It needs to work hard and control the unforeseen events.
Key of the week: It is still supportive but first defends your interests.
21/5 to 21/5
LOVE: Something nervous but happy. Stability at home will come wonders. Someone dear asks for a favor and will be impossible to resist.
MONEY: The pressure increases and that prevents seeing things calmly. Good result as long as it is not too demanding.
Key of the week: To be a good leader you must conform to all. He will get it.
LOVE: The demand of the moment is to assume commitments with maturity, especially young people. Pause in aggressions and mutual reproaches.
MONEY: Controversies with your assistants. Quite inflexible with those who do not block with the needs of their position.
Key of the week: Taking life seriously does not mean stop smiling.
6/22 to 7
LOVE: Do not continue recriminating who wants for mistakes yesterday. Its serenity and sweetness attract people of great character.
MONEY: You have accounts with people who appreciate and have more than an economic success. Take alliance with experienced people.
Key of the week: Nothing to go back. The past, torn.
23/7 to 23/8
LOVE: I may take distance. Be intelligent and do not reproach because he has few chances of convincing his partner. Soon the good dialogue is resumed.
MONEY: Economically quite well and also lucky in studies. Channel tensions working from sun to sun.
Key of the week: Street what you don’t want to be disclosed.
24/8 to 9/23
LOVE: Venus paves his love path. They will be days of being for happiness. Ideal week to start a new sentimental chapter.
MONEY: Fortuna for those looking for work or are about to ask for a loan. Working conditions improve.
Key of the week: Ask for what you want, the universe will listen.
24/9 to 10/23
LOVE: New emotions. Waiting for someone to understand and accept it. If you have a stable partner, take care of it. The connection is almost total.
MONEY: He will have to take care of some responsibilities he did not have. There are people who want to subtract power.
Key of the week: Do not let them abuse your capacity. Put limits.
10/24 to 11/23
LOVE: No complaint reasons. Week very close to the ideal. Sensitivity to skin flower. It will give a moving surprise to a friend or relative.
MONEY: Very convenient interviews and offers. A dynamic person helps him define himself. Great observation capacity.
Key of the week: He shares joys but – if he has – also sorrows.
11/24 to 12/22
LOVE: Something sullen and discontent due to adverse venus. It will cost you to maintain emotional balance. His status is passenger, he will rebound.
MONEY: No respite. Their proposals will be attended although not immediately. Colleagues will be supportive.
Key of the week: If the family claims it, it is more time with them.
12/23 to 01/20
LOVE: The secret of coexistence will be both to give a little and mark its limit. Smart agreements and open communication.
MONEY: He earns good money with intellectual or commercial tasks. If you buy or sell it will be lucky.
Key of the week: Choose friends who prize it.
21/1 to 2/2
LOVE: Communicative and very attentive to others and, nevertheless, love dodges it. Before the routine, a few days away would come very well.
MONEY: With infinite patience overcomes any stumbling block. Excellent week to listen to new commercial proposals.
Key of the week: Do you want to renew? Better begin with small changes.
2/20 to 20/3
LOVE: With the blessing of Venus in its sign. Live a present full of promises. It will resolve a sentimental situation that exceeded it. Peace.
MONEY: It is time to follow new work guidelines. Customers, patients, companions and even bosses support it.
Key of the week: Avoid waste. Better a healthy profile.
#week #March
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