Javier Milei, live: the latest government measures

By Jaime Rosemberg

Through the Ministry of Security that heads Patricia Bullrichthe government of Javier Milei He will report on Monday by Judge Porteña Karina Andradequestioned by their decision to free more than one hundred detained for their participation in the serious incidents that occurred during the march by the Retirees In front of Congress, last Wednesday.

Through a letter signed by its national director of regulations and relations with the Judiciary, Fernando SotoBullrich will be effective on Monday morning a complaint against the judge for prevaricatoin addition to concealment to the crime of sedition, before the federal justice of Comodoro Py.

By Hernán Cappiello

The government intends, at least for now, Do not withdraw the specifications of its candidates for the Supreme Court of Justice Ariel Lijo and Manuel García-Mansilla Although the Senate left everything ready so that in a next session he rejects his designations, which were made by decree.

“We are analyzing the situation; In principle we are not going to lift them, ”he told The nation An official source, after the opposition of the Senate approved opinions of both with the aim of rejecting them in the enclosure, possibly next Thursday.

The Government ordered the granting of a financial advance for $ 120,000 million to the province of Chaco with the aim of covering urgent commitments linked to the execution of the provincial budget and debt amortization. The provision was formalized through Decree 190/2025, released on Monday in the Official Gazette, and establishes that the funds will be reintegrated within the current fiscal year by automatic withholdings of the federal tax co -participation.

The decree, signed by President Javier Milei, the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, and the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, bases the decision on “transient financial difficulties” that prevent the Chaqueño government, led by Leandro Zdero, to attend their obligations. The Ministry of Finance of the Ministry of Economy will be responsible for executing the transfer and managing the subsequent cancellation of the advance, applying an interest rate based on the wholesale rate of Argentina (Tamar).

He Ministry of National Security ordered the Prohibition of admission to sporting events to 26 Bravas bar involved in the disturbances that occurred within the framework of retiree mobilization last Wednesday in the vicinity of the Congress. The measure, formalized through resolution 343/2025 in the Official Gazette, imposed a Indeterminate Time Concurrence Restriction to those involved.

The decision is based on the performance of National Gendarmerie, Federal Police, Naval Prefecture and City Police, which intervened in the security operation against the escalation of violence. As stated in the official regulations, those involved threw «Punzocortive projectiles and objects against security and public and private assets ”in addition to «hinder vehicular and pedestrian circulation. ” As a result of the incidents, 31 agents were injured.

By Mariano Spezapria

Although they still do not agree on the strategy for the election year, the main referents of the Peronism these days coincide in a political diagnosis on the direction of the government of Javier Milei: They understand that if it persists in an «authoritarian drift» with the imprint of the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichthe libertarian administration will lose the «popular aura» that allowed the president to reap support in sectors that historically voted for the PJ, which could be used by Union for the Homeland (UP) in elections such as those of the city and the province of Buenos Aires.

Hence, in the last 48 hours the former president was expressed in this regard Cristina Kirchnerthe former minister Sergio Massa and the Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillofthe three figures that panperonism has in the main region of the country. Each one did it with their political style.

The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichhe supported this Sunday night the action of federal forces during the incidents that occurred in the march for retirees in front of Congress a few days ago. In Business community (Ln+), Bullrich also differentiated from the positions of the head of Buenos Aires Jorge Macri and the vice president Victoria Villarruel Regarding the call. «To the warm God vomits»Chicaneó in dialogue with José del Rio.

At the beginning of the interview, the official first focused on Buenos Aires Judge Karina Andrade, questioned by her decision to free more than 100 detainees for her participation in the incidents that occurred during the march by the march by the Retirees in front of the Congress on Wednesday. He accused Andrade of «defending criminals,» he said that «Judge has little» and the chicaneo: «I don’t know if he is reading the Constitution of Argentina. It must be reading that of Venezuela. In our country, the right to request does not imply the alteration of public order and crime. ”

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