Spain opens new financial aid for descendants of Asturians in Cuba

Since March 18, descendants of Asturians residing in Cuba can request individual financial aid for those in need.

The call, published in the Official Gazette of the Principality of Asturias (BOPA), aims to provide support to Asturians and their descendants residing in Latin America, particularly in Cuba, and that cross economic difficulties.

In total, the Ministry of Presidency, Demographic Challenge, Equality and Tourism has allocated 460,000 euros for these grants, which represents an increase of 20,000 euros with respect to the call of the previous year. The general director of emigration and return policies, Olaya Romano, emphasized that this increase is a reflection of the continuous commitment of the Asturian government with the Asturian community abroad.

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Requirements to access aid

Asturians born in Asturias and their first -degree descendants can access aid, provided they are over 65 years. In addition, applicants who are between 18 and 64, who have been victims of gender violence, suffer permanent disability or suffer from serious diseases that prevent them from working, can also benefit from this economic support.

Details about the amount and deadlines

The deadline for submitting applications will be open until April 30. The aid will be distributed according to the economic needs of each applicant and the country in which they reside. In the case of Cuba, the maximum amount that each applicant may receive will be 600 euros, due to the country’s economic peculiarities. On the other hand, in other Latin American countries, the maximum amount amounts to 2,000 euros.

In the call of 2024, a total of 833 aids were granted, being Cuba the country with the largest number of applications, with 606, followed by Argentina and Venezuela with 158 and 111 applications, respectively.

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Asturias government commitment

Olay Romano stressed that these aids are a way of recognizing the historical effort of Asturian emigration and its impact on community development. «These grants are a sample of the commitment of the Asturias government with our emigrants and their families,» he said. Currently, Roman is in Cuba presenting these support programs, reinforcing the link between the Asturian region and its descendants abroad.

Those interested in requesting aid can consult the detailed call in the bopa and proceed with the process within the established period

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