Teacher with Only Fans account causes a stir in Italy: a mother discovered her profile and denounced the case

Italy prepares an ethical code for educators after the media case of a teacher of a private children’s school in the province of Treviso (north) that has been suspended from employment and salary after some parents discovered their profile on the adult platform for adult Only Fans.

The Italian Ministry of Education works with a group of jurists to develop ethical standards for school personnel, adapting for the workers of the schools the existing ethical code for the workers of the public adiminsters, sources close to the case indicated this Friday.

And a large part of that code focuses on the correct use of social networks, they added.

The protagonist professor of the case is Elena Maraga, 29, and in recent days she has granted several interviews to explain that it all started when a mother found her private profile of Onlyfans, a platform that gives the possibility of publishing sexually explicit content in exchange for money.

The discovery caused a complaint to the coordinator of the professors and the director of the nursery where the woman worked as a teacher.

Maraga said he had not signed with the educational center «nothing in the contract regarding the need not to publish social content» and said that if some parents had seen their profile «it means that they are registered in Onlyfans, so it is not clear where the problem is.»

The ethical standards in which education works will update the code of conduct of public employees: a regulation that was already last renewed in July 2023 with the introduction, among other things, of specific norms that regulate the behavior of public employees in social networks and that now, probably, will also include sexual contents.

One of the articles of the Code establishes that «when using their accounts on social networks, the employee must take all precautions to ensure that their opinions or judgments on events, things or people are not directly attributable to the public administration to which it belongs.»

He also says that «the employee is obliged to refrain from any intervention or comment that may harm the prestige, decorum or image of the administration to which he belongs or of the public administration in general.»

The Italian Federation of Infant Schools, which brings together private, Catholic or Christian inspiration schools, including the nursery in which Maraga worked, has also announced the approval of an ethical code to regulate the behavior of teachers in social networks.



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