They discharge Pope Francis, who reappears after almost 40 days hospitalized and greets the faithful from a balcony of the Gemelli Hospital

He Pope Francis has overcome bilateral pneumonia that has maintained it almost 40 days hospitalized in Rome. The 88 -year -old pontiff and with chronic respiratory problems, has been given this high Sunday Gemelli polyclinic And he has greeted from a balcony of the health center to the faithful who have gathered at the hospital doors. «Thank you all, I see the lady of yellow flowers,» have been the brief words that the Pontiff has dedicated to his followers.

The Pope has been «stable for fifteen days. The rest period at the Santa Marta house will continue and remain in convalescence for at least two months, ”the doctor revealed this Saturday Sergio AlfieriChief of the team that has treated him, in a press conference by surprise in the Gemelli.

The Argentine returns to the Vatican this Sunday. «It is very happy,» revealed the Doctor Luigi Carbonand, doctor of the Directorate of Health of the Vatican and that he is responsible for the health of the Pontiff, before adding that Francisco «has been asking» when he comes out when he comes out

The Pope entered on February 14 at the Gemelli for his breathing problems, which were due to bronchitis by Polymicrobiological infection to which bilateral pneumonia joined, with «two critical episodes that endangered their lives.»

Doctors confirmed that bilateral pneumonia no longer still there, but «say that it is completely cured of all microbial species will still take time» of convalescence in Santa Martaduring which «he will not need many things, but oxygen.»

Rome (Italy), 03/23/2025.- Pope Francis (c) Greets and Blesses The Faithful FROM THE BALCONY OF THE GEMELLI HOSPITAL WHERE HAS BEEN HOSPITALIZED, IN ROME, ITALY, 23 MARCH 2025 Spending More than Five Weeks in the Hospital For Bilateral Pneumonia. (Pope, Italy, Rome) EFE/EPA/GIUSEPPE LAMI

Alfieri, head of Surgery of the Gemelli and that operated the Pope on the previous occasions, explained that his house is now safer than the hospital, «which is where infections can be contracted more easily.»

Francisco, what «He has never been intubated and has always been aware»he has always maintained «his good humor» despite the difficulty that that entails in the toughest moments, he added.

And he cited, as an example, that after one of those hard moments, he asked him how he was, and the Pope replied: «I’m still alive». Then «we understood that he had recovered his good humor.»

Carbone, who will take care of the Pope’s treatment in the Vatican, explained that there will continue with the motor and respiratory therapy he has done in the hospital. At this time it is the most important and what you need to recover ».

And asked about the ability to recover the word, after so much time using oxygen, Carbone explained that it is «difficult», but «seeing the improvement», which «has been important with respect to ten days ago,» hopes will be «In a short time».

Rome (Italy), 03/23/2025.- Pope Francis (Front) Greets and Blesses The Faithful From The Balcony of the Gemelli Hospital Where Has Been Hospitalized, In Rome, Italy, 23 March 2025. Pope Francis Will Be Discharge On 23 March After Spending More than Five Weeks in the Hospital For Bilateral Pneumonia. (Pope, Italy, Rome) EFE/EPA/ETTORE FERRARI

On March 6, during the Rosary for its restoration that pray every night in the Plaza de San Pedro, the Pope sent an audio message with a voice thread that raised concern.

«Now a rehabilitation is needed because a long time with oxygenation of high flows dries your cough and you almost have to learn to speak again,» explained the prefect of the Dicastery for the doctrine of faith, the Argentine cardinal, the Argentine cardinal, the Argentine cardinal, Víctor Manuel Fernándezvery close to the Pope and also denied that the pontiff was to resign.

Rome (Italy), 03/23/2025.- Pope Francis (c) Greets and Blesses The Faithful FROM THE BALCONY OF THE GEMELLI HOSPITAL WHERE HAS BEEN HOSPITALIZED, IN ROME, ITALY, 23 MARCH 2025 Spending More than Five Weeks in the Hospital For Bilateral Pneumonia. (Pope, Italy, Rome) EFE/EPA/GIUSEPPE LAMI
Rome (Italy), 03/23/2025.- Pope Francis (L) Greets and Blesses The Faithful From The Balcony of the Gemelli Hospital Where Has Been Hospitalized, In Rome, Italy, 23 March 2025. Pope Francis Will Be Discharge on 23 March with a prescription for at least two months of converge Spending More than Five Weeks in the Hospital For Bilateral Pneumonia. (Pope, Italy, Rome) EFE/EPA/GIUSEPPE LAMI
Rome (Italy), 03/23/2025.- Pope Francis (Front) Greets and Blesses The Faithful From The Balcony of the Gemelli Hospital Where Has Been Hospitalized, In Rome, Italy, 23 March 2025. Pope Francis Will Be Discharge On 23 March After Spending More than Five Weeks in the Hospital For Bilateral Pneumonia. (Pope, Italy, Rome) EFE/EPA/ETTORE FERRARI
Rome (Italy), 03/23/2025.- Pope Francis (c) Greets and Blesses The Faithful FROM THE BALCONY OF THE GEMELLI HOSPITAL WHERE HAS BEEN HOSPITALIZED, IN ROME, ITALY, 23 MARCH 2025 Spending More than Five Weeks in the Hospital For Bilateral Pneumonia. (Pope, Italy, Rome) EFE/EPA/GIUSEPPE LAMI
Rome (Italy), 03/23/2025.- Pope Francis (c) Greets and Blesses The Faithful FROM THE BALCONY OF THE GEMELLI HOSPITAL WHERE HAS BEEN HOSPITALIZED, IN ROME, ITALY, 23 MARCH 2025 Spending More than Five Weeks in the Hospital For Bilateral Pneumonia. (Pope, Italy, Rome) EFE/EPA/ALESSANDRO DI MEO
Rome (Italy), 03/23/2025.- Pope Francis (R) Greets and Blesses The Faithful FROM THE BALCONY OF THE GEMELLI WHERE HOS Spending More than Five Weeks in the Hospital For Bilateral Pneumonia. (Pope, Italy, Rome) EFE/EPA/ETTORE FERRARI

#discharge #Pope #Francis #reappears #days #hospitalized #greets #faithful #balcony #Gemelli #Hospital

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