What is the fruit rich in magnesium that helps to regulate the intestinal flora

The intestinal flora – also called intestinal microbiota – are the microorganisms that live in the intestine and give vitality to the body of a person. Following this concept, there are many healthy alternatives to strengthen this circuit. One of them is the intake of mangoa tropical fruit that has unknown benefits.

Its sweet and juicy taste He gives him a bonus when chosen in shops. In addition to this recognized quality, mango is considered a superfood by his a lot of fiber, calcium, potassium and, above all, magnesiuman indispensable mineral for body care.

Mango is a nutritious fruit that contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (illustrative image)Photo: Freep¡ck

According to specialists in medicine, mango, in its composition, has a strong presence of elices, which are key to the Cell regeneration and the Tissue strength.

With a strong presence of Vitamin A, B and Dthe mango maintains a popularity on the rise not only for its distinctive flavor, but also for the nutritional composition that strengthens the intestinal flora.


This tropical fruit is also an ally for the correct functioning of intestines, nerves and muscles. In parallel, thanks to the present calcium, it actively contributes to the strengthening of bones and teeth.

Having a lot of vitamins and minerals, the mango also stands out for the properties of maintaining healthy skin. «It is one of the ‘star’ fruits for everything that has to do with skin care Since it has a strong antioxidant power that helps reduce early wrinkles, the lack of luminosity in complexion and spots, among others, «said Hasbani, an advisor in dietary and natural nutrition.

Recognized by people in Argentina, this tropical fruit is easily accessible and can be achieved in shops from all neighborhoods. According to Hasbani, the mango is indispensable after an extensive day, of a lot of training.

«Having a lot of liquid, the mango It serves to hydrate and recommend it to consume post training «highlighted the expert, who highlighted their properties and encouraged people to consume it in small quantities, without falling into excess.

One of the most important functions of mango is the protection of the cardiovascular system. «Its antioxidant properties are very Benefits for arterial healthboth its carotenoid content due to the orange pigment that has a provitamin A, improves the circulation of blood through the arteries, ”said Hasbani.

Mango is a fruit with many beneficial properties for the organism (illustrative photo: Pixabay)

Due to its high potassium content, the mango has the ability to regulate the cases of high blood pressure and thus contribute to the general objective that is to take care of people’s health.

Each of these items must be taken with a collection. Prior to any intake of a fruit or vegetables, It is recommended to visit a doctor or nutrition specialist who will do the relevant studies To know how the body of each patient is and what are the vitamins and minerals necessary to alleviate any type of need.

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