«You have to avoid losing lives»

The president of Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóohas sued the need for Spain to have a national water plan containing water and hydraulic infrastructures. That is why he has appealed to forget the «maximalist ideological approaches», then The priority is «to be prepared With adequate infrastructure to avoid damage, loss of lives and very important patrimonial impacts. «

From Talavera de la Reina, in the area where the Roman bridge has collapsed, accompanied by its mayor, José Julián Gregorio, and the president of the PP in the region, Paco Núñez, has insisted on raise this national plan «without apriorisms»based «on technical issues and with practical approaches», accepting that the floods, although «occur rarely», are already «incontestable facts.»

Feijóo has pointed out that the city of Talavera It is a «symbol» of floods that Spain has been suffering in recent weeks, showing «very proud» of the joint work of the autonomous communities – with their civil protection addresses – and the municipalities with the central government.

After remembering that he has been in contact these days with the «most affected» regional presidents, from Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha, Madrid and Andalusia, has influenced «having adequate infrastructure to be able to face these floods or intense rainfall. «

For Feijóo, «the coordination and protection of citizens and their heritage is the First priority of public services«, something that» has been developing successfully in the whole of Spain «during these days.

Wrong policies

The PP leader has advocated Check «wrong policies»and has demanded speed to clean the channels of many Spanish rivers. He has cited Talavera, a «good antecedent», since he has a channeling plan of the Block As they pass through the city since 2000, infrastructures that were part of the hydrological plan and «many lives saved.»

«If there had not been these dikes and these river channeling walls in this city, today Talavera de la Reina probably It would be a missing cityat least in part, therefore many misfortunes have been avoided, «he said.

Replace the Talavera symbol

Has appealed to the Roman bridge reconstructionwhich will lead the City Council and try to coordinate together with the Diputación, to the Board of Castilla-La Mancha and to the Government of Spain, administrations that have to replenish their «symbol immediately.» Is the «Strength of this city And of all his historical links, «Feijóo said.

«I am convinced that it will be, that We will do a good projectthat this time the reconstruction of the bridge is a definitive reconstruction and in the same way that these dikes and these walls have endured the flood, I hope that once rebuilt and rehabilitated, it is also armored to future floods, «he concluded.

Has had words for «the mayors who They have slept very little in recent weeks«, to the Municipal Police and Civil Protection» who are those who are closest to citizens and, of course, also to the coordination of the Autonomous Communities with the Central Government. «


#avoid #losing #lives

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