Arba ordered that the ballot of only a digital tax

With the axis put in its modernization process, the Collection Agency of the Province of Buenos Aires (ARBA) reported that the Rural Real Estate Tax Ballow will be sent exclusively in digital format. This way, «The first share, the annual payment and the future emissions of this tax will only be available by electronic ballot.»

As they explained, «The decision was taken based on the fact that 97% of the rural real estate items already fulfill their obligations in a digital way or without resorting to the paper ballot.» In addition, they assured that «More than 74% of taxpayers are already attached to the ballot system per mail.»

Along these lines, the director of Arba, Cristian Girard, said: «This decision is part of our body modernization policy. The digitalization of services facilitates tax compliance and reduces the environmental impact by drastically decreasing paper consumption. ”

They explained that this plan began with the automotive tax, then we proceeded with the urban real estate and now they are doing it with the rural real estate: «The experiences in the other taxes have shown that the copperability when dispapalating did not fall»ESV

In this context, they stressed that there is an important things to clarify: «The decentralization agreement where the municipalities distributed the ticket and part of the collection of the rural was in the municipalities, its co -participation will not be modified, it will continue as it is.»

They explained that this plan began with the automotive tax, then proceeded with the urban real estate and now they are doing it with the rural real estate. «The experiences in the other taxes have shown that the coprability when dispapulating did not fall,» they said. In a communication to the municipalities, Arba assured them that «this decision does not alter in any aspect the provisions of Law 13.010 on Tax Decentralization.»

As they explained, taxpayers of the rural real estate tax will be able to access their ticket “by mail, where those who are not yet attached can subscribe to this service on the Arba website; with Download in PDF That, at the time of paying the tax on the Arba website, you can download the ballot in PDF format with the corresponding detail before making the payment and; Printed ballot, Where for those who need the paper ticket, they can obtain it at the Arba Local Service Center closest to their home. ”

Among the alternatives, the Buenos Aires collector offers to facilitate the payment of the option on-line, through, where you can pay with credit card, debit or generating an electronic payment code for ATMs authorized; by the App account dni, Scanning the QR code received by email, which allows an agile and safe payment and; face -to -face, in authorized banking entities or in the Net Payments Province Centers.

«With this measure, Arba seeks to optimize the service for taxpayers, promoting digitalization and contributing to the care of the environment by reducing the use of paper,» they said.

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