IRS 2025 stimulus check: This is the new deadline to claim payment in the United States

Stimulus checks were a great relief for families during the course of the pandemic. Given the economic crisis of that time for the world parate, the US government issued checks to three parts to Help affected homes according to their tax marital status and their number of children or dependents qualified.

However, there are people who never claimed that money and that corresponded. That is why it exists A unique opportunity for those who still did not claim their economic impact payments of 2021 and they must do it through a tax declaration of that same year. The maximum period is until mid -April.

Up to US $ 1400 is the payment that the beneficiaries will receive (file)

According to the official information of the Internal Revenue Service (Irsfor its acronym in English), the limit for people who have to make the tax declaration is the April 15like another similar refund that has been pending for some other reason.

Payments vary depending on several factors, but the maximum payment is US $ 1,400 By individual. The estimated amount of payments that will be made will be about US $ 2.4 billion, which is the money that made the entity available to these automatic refunds.

The IRS estimates that more than one billion dollars in reimbursements still do not claim for taxpayers throughout the country who have not submitted their 1040 form, federal tax declaration, for fiscal year 2021Freepik

Irs also explained that in this process, formally known as the Reimbursement recovery creditpayments will be deposited directly or will be automatically sent by paper check; and that eligible taxpayers will also receive a separate letter where payment will be notified.

In the event that the bank account has closed since the 2023 tax declaration was presented, the bank will return the amount and reimbursement will be issued again to The new registered address.

There are no requirements related to what is perceived of income, since It is not necessary to have won a specific amount. It is simply required to have submitted the corresponding tax declaration in 2021, but not having requested the refund recovery credit.

With refund recovery credit, payments will be deposited directly or will be automatically sent by paper check (file)Unspash

Danny Werfel, IRS commissioner, highlighted the effort that the body is making to meet all these claims: “IRS continues to work hard for make improvements and help taxpayers. These payments are an example of our commitment to make additional effort for taxpayers. ”

“When observing our internal data, we realized that one million taxpayers overlooked this complex stimulus payment when they were actually eligible.

To minimize headaches and get this money to eligible taxpayers, we are making These payments are automaticwhich means that these people will not have to go through the extensive process of submitting a amended statement to receive it, ”he added.

According to the IRS, the majority of the appropriate taxpayers for economic impact payments linked to tax relief by the Coronavirus have already received this refund recovery credit.

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