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Opposition analyzes whether participating in the election of governors and deputies

Opposition analyzes whether participating in the election of governors and deputies

The Venezuelan opposition debate with «low profile» Voice of America a high spokesman for the block of parties that advers the government of Nicolás Maduro. «We are analyzing the situation with low profile,» said Omar Barboza, executive secretary of the democratic unitary platform, an alliance of political organizations, unions and …

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Mexican academic expresses concern about the quality of Cuban doctors

Mexican academic expresses concern about the quality of Cuban doctors

Ismael Herrera Benavente, director of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of San Luis de Potosí, in Mexico, denounced that Cuban doctors have displaced the students of the School of Medicine and that it is concerned about the quality of the service they provide. “We have to pass several …

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Trabajadores de USAID protestan contra la decisión de suspenderlos

Trabajadores de USAID protestan contra la decisión de suspenderlos

Trabajadores de USAID protestan contra la decisión de suspenderlos Mostrar más Mostrar menos Desconcertados trabajadores y contratistas y colaboradores externos de la Agencia Internacional para el Desarrollo USAID protestaron en Washington por lo que consideran el desmantelamiento de la principal agencia de ayuda humanitaria con fondos que alcanzan los 40 …

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