The Government ordered the «total declassification» of documents on the actions of the FF.AA. During the dictatorship

Within the framework of a new anniversary of the coup d’etat of March 24, 1976, the presidential spokesman, Manuel Adorniannounced that The Government will declassify all the archives linked to the actions of the Armed Forces during the last military dictatorship. «In our uncertain commitment to human rights, telling the complete story is a crucial task,» he said. The measure is based on the Decree 4/2010that former president Cristina Kirchner had signed in 2010 and that, according to the spokesman, «he had never been implemented in its entirety.»

He also indicated that The information that was so far in the hands of the State Intelligence Secretariat (SIDE) will now be under control of the General Archive of the Nation (AGN).

It is not yet known how or when the documents can be accessed: there is still no defined work plan for transfer to AGN. After adorni’s announcement, The nation Different government sources were contacted to have details of the declassification procedure, but, as reported, it is not yet detailed. According to sources close to the General Archive of the Nation, under the Cabinet Vicepatura, As of this Tuesday the teams of the archive and the SIDE will contact the transfer of the material, on whose magnitude there are still no details. «A work plan will be put together based on the quantity and status of the material,» they said.

«Until the announcement was made, everything was handled under seven keys in the presidency area,» they said in the Government to justify the lack of data and details about how the operation will be.

In the recorded message that Deni spread this morning, he said: “We order the total declassification of all the information linked to the actions of the forces, as well as any other documentation produced in other periods but related. (…) The actions of the forces in the last dictatorship will be at the service of memory and not of political actions. For decades the archives remained in the shadows and all the governments on duty had access; Despite the empty slogan, they were used as a war loot will know how. ”

The Government ordered the
The Government ordered the «total declassification» of documents on the actions of the Armed Forces during the dictatorship

Adorni stressed that declassification is a practical disseminated worldwide. “Many countries advanced in other decouple processes and Argentina cannot be left behind in this process”, He remarked. The spokesman alluded to the decision of the Government of Donald Trump, in the United States, to open to the public a series of FBI archives that included information that went from war crimes to the murder of then President John F. Kennedy.

Along the same lines, the spokesman announced that the Government will recognize before the Inter -American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) the “attack” of the People’s Revolutionary Army (ERP) to the Captain Humberto Viola’s family as a crime against humanity. “In this atrocious attack, which occurred on December 1, 1974 in Tucumán, a group of guerrillas intercepted the car in which the captain was traveling with his family: his wife, María Cristina Picón, five -month pregnant and her two daughters of five and three years family and was killed in the back of a shot in the head, ”said Adorni.

He added: “His other daughter suffered eight operations and was in a coma four months, but managed He had to see how the murderers of her husband and daughter were released towards the end of the 80s. As if this were not enough, the families of the murderers charged compensation from the State for having been detained during the state of siege. ”

The spokesman regretted that in 2016, when Viola’s widow appealed to the Commission, the Secretariat of Human Rights of Alberto Fernández sent an answer in which he argued that the attack «did not constitute a crime against humanity.» «Under the presidency of Milei, and having reviewed the background of the case, it was decided to establish dialogue with the family, where the biased and ideologized gaze that sustained previous governments regarding the tragic events occurred in the 70s in the 70s, differentiated and added:»For Milei, the murder of Captain Viola and his family constituted a crime against humanity. This March 24 and every day it is necessary to have a complete memory of the history of our country and a complete memory of the history of our Armed Forces ”.

Minutes after Adorni’s message, the president’s office account on the social network X He published a statement by formalizing this measure.

Along these same lines, the government also confirmed that They will declassify secret documents linked to the Nazis who took refuge in Argentina After World War II. The measure was anticipated by the chief of cabinet, Guillermo Francoswhich explained that President Milei «gave the order to release all documentation that existed in any state agency so that absolutely everything is known, because There is no reason to protect information”After an order of American senators.

“A few days ago President Milei received the senator Steve Dainesthat It has been fighting a long time because all the information about that time is known in which the Nazis came to cook in Argentina, ”Franks explained in dialogue with DNEWS. The meeting also had the participation of Darin ThackerChief of Cabinet of the Legislator; Abigail DresselBusiness Manager AI of the United States Embassy in Buenos Aires; and Cynthia Jo Daineswife of the Republican official.

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