Thus affects the revocation of humanitarian parole to Cubans

Cuban migrants would be in danger after the recent revocation of humanitarian parolesigned by President Donald Trump, and that affects thousands of immigrants, including Cubans.

As of April 24, 2025, this measure will enter into force, leaving more than 500 thousand people, who arrived under this protection promoted by the administration of Joe Biden, in uncertainty about their immigration future.

How does this measure affect Cubans?

Some banks are closing the accounts of Cubans due to the complex immigration situation and the inclusion of Cuba in the list of terrorist countries. Delay in the renewal of work permits, which could soon defeat, also generate concern, since many fear losing their jobs and their source of income.

As if that were not enough, the residence processes initiated by Cubans who benefited from a Parole are being subjected to an exhaustive review, and are currently being detained.

Advice before the revocation of Parole

Cubans who have been in the US for more than a year and one day, and who entered under the Parole, should request the Cuban adjustment law to ensure their immigration status.

Those who still do not comply with the established time must take immediate measures and seek legal advice to request political asylum, a recommendation also applicable to immigrants from the other affected nationalities.

The humanitarian parole program, which began in 2022, allowed the entry of more than half a million immigrants from Ukraine, Venezuela, Haiti, Nicaragua and Cuba. However, in August 2024, the program was suspended indefinitely due to irregularities, such as fraud in sponsors and false addresses.

From that moment on, the anticipated flight permits were suspended and income to the country were drastically reduced.

The definitive suspension of Parole was completed with Trump’s firm on the first day of his mandate, which put at risk the immigration status of thousands of people. Although Cubans are not the most affected group, the situation for Venezuelans, Haitians and Nicaraguans is critical, since they have only one month to regularize their situation or will be considered undocumented.

This could lead ICE to make massive raids in the homes recorded by the sponsors, which would generate great concern, especially for the possible “cruelty” of the actions, according to lawyer Willy Allen, an immigration expert.

As of April 24, the situation becomes a race against time. Those who do not resolve their immigration status are at risk of being deported expedited by ICE.

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