UNUSIDA: People will die of AIDS as in the nineties if the US does not restore their help

The world will see that people die again as in the nineties if the United States confirms that it will stop financing programs to fight this disease in dozens of developing countries, and the number of annual deaths can be multiplied by ten, said Monday the director of the United Nations Agency against AIDS (UNAID).

«In the long term we see a global resurgence of the AIDS pandemic, and not only in low -income countries in Africa where it is now concentrated, but also between certain populations of Latin America and Eastern Europe,» the director of Unusida, Winnie Byanyima, told the press.

Daily infections could go from 2,000 at present to 3,500 if this situation is not resolved, he said.

Unusida has been one of several impacted by the interruption of international aid by the United States government, which is still in the period of review of all its international cooperation scheme and must announce its decisions about what it maintains and what is not next month.

«In Onusida we estimate that if US assistance for AIDS is not restored after this pause or is not replaced by other sources of financing there will be 6.3 million deaths related to AIDS, compared to the most recent data of 600,000 deaths in the world in 2023, that is, we are talking about ten times more,» said Byanyima.

He argued that until now he has not heard of any other government that is willing to cover that deficit, which implies the risk of «collapse» of the diagnostic, treatment and sanitary surveillance services around AIDS in tens of countries.

The situation could also be dramatic in terms of the spread of this infectious disease, which has been considered the first pandemic of the twentieth century.

According to ONUSIDA estimates, if the prevention and treatment services of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are drastically reduced there will be 8.7 million new annual infections in the world, compared to 1.3 million in 2023.

In the United States and Europe, new infections rise to 56,000 a year, indicating that high -income countries are also threatened by this disease, which was one of the few in which international objectives were being met in order to eradicate it in 2030.

«Now we are talking about losing the advanced in the last twenty -five years,» Byanyima lamented.

The United States finances 50 % of Unusida’s work, which has a presence in 67 countries and is the United Nations Agency that also generates the data on which countries are based to establish their own control objectives of the VHI-AIDS.

«Without these data each country would take its own address and establish low objectives for itself,» said Byanyima.

The person in charge indicated that the agency has been found since last year – before the announcement of the cuts – in the process of restructuring, after a reduction in the contributions of European countries was seen.

«We are valuing several scenarios for the future, which include less or even no contribution from the United States. We have not yet separated from any worker, but we will certainly have to make difficult decisions, ”he acknowledged. EFE


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