Venezuela confirms five cases of the Oopouche virus

The Ministry of Health confirmed on Wednesday five cases of the Oroopouche virus, a disease transmitted by mosquito bites.

In a statement, the agency explained that hexes are the main vectors, so he recommended society to take measures to avoid their bites.

Minister Magaly Gutiérrez indicated that control brigades were deployed to eliminate insect hatcheries through fumigation and the use of biocontrollers for the reduction of mosquito density.

Fever, headache and muscle pain are the most common symptoms that a person affected by the disease has

The Oroopouche (Orov) is an arbovirus belonging to the Peribunyaviridae family. He was first detected in 1955 near the Oropouche River in Triniday Tobago, followed by several outbreaks in Brazil towards the end of the last century. In 2024, more than 7,700 cases of Orov have been reported in five Américas countries: Brazil (6,976 cases until mid -2024), Bolivia, Peru, Cuba and Colombia.

With information Cocuyo effect

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